The person having high blood pressure / hypertension.
Program Description
Give "Tension" to "Hypertension." !
It's surprising but the fact is that changes in your diet are a proven way to help control high blood pressure.
Anti-hypertensive drugs are working at their place well. No matter what's the scenario around it, Weather safe or has other side effects on health or not, we don't know?
But the only drug is not 100% treatment of it. It needs diet & lifestyle modifications too. !
Nowadays, in the recent scenario and in the modern era, Your food habits, stress level, & lifestyle also make high blood pressure!
So, a healthy diet and stress management is the effective basic way to avoid high blood pressure.
So, let's give "Tension" to "Hypertension".
Program Features
Personalized diet plans.
Most comfortable diet plan as per your daily routine/schedule.
Every 10 days call support for diet follow-up.
No crash diet.
No medicine / shake artificial powder for fat loss.
Get lifestyle changes as per needed.
Follow up on your weight every Week.
You will also get:
Healthy diet tips
Healthy diet recipes
Physical activity guidelines
Maintainance diet plan at the end of the program for easily maintaining your achieved goal.